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Don't be mistaken by the name, this is a very stupid example of how should a connFu application look like. This application only listens to voice and twitter events and prints them on the terminal.

Running this example

  • First of all, you have to register into connFu.com an application. You will receive an application token which will be very useful ;)

  • Then, install the connFu npm package:

     $ npm install connfu
  • Then get the source of this example from here and run it!

     $ node fancy-connfu-application.js <application_token>

Application code explanation

As we plan to launch this application via the command line, we should receive the application token as an argument, so we need to check that the application token is passed as a parameter

if (process.argv.length < 3) {
  console.log("Usage: node fancy-connfu-application.js <application_token>");

Initializing the connFu application

First of all, we have to require the connFu package...

...and then initialize the connFu application using the application token received from the command line

var connFu = require('connfu');

var app = connFu.createApp(process.argv[2]);

Adding a voice channel listener

Voice channels have three different events: join, leave and change_topic. Inside the event listener we can add different handlers for each of those events

The params received in the event handler is an array with all the information about the event. Check the docs for more detailed info about this object

Add the voice channel listener

app.on('voice', {

Add join event handler

  join: function(params) {
    console.log('The number ' + params.from + ' joined to the conference with number ' + params.to);

And then a leave event handler

  leave: function(params) {
    console.log('The number ' + params.from + ' left the conference with number ' + params.to);

Adding a Twitter channel listener

We can add a Twitter event listener very easily too:

app.on('twitter', {

Twitter channels only have the new event, which is received when a tweet is received

  new: function(data) {

Start listening to the channels

This is how we start listening! Pretty easy, huh?
